+64 3 453 5111 admin@salmac.nz

Commercial / Industrial Insulation

Salmac Insulation specialises in all types of industrial and commercial insulation installation and products. With 100 years of experience working on large commercial buildings with complex HVAC systems, plant rooms, and multiple air handling units within some of Dunedin’s most well-known buildings. We consider our expertise and knowledge in this field as top class

Types of Commercial / Industrial Insulation

We provide and install a range of industry-grade insulation to comply with the New Zealand Building Code, to make buildings more energy-efficient, improve comfort and provide passive fire protection.


Mechanical Thermal Insulation

Mechanical insulation refers to thermal insulation used to insulate equipment or processes. Found on all types of mechanical systems, including piping, equipment, hot and cold applications, heating, boilers, air conditioning (HVAC) systems and ducts, Refrigeration, and other low-temperature piping and equipment.


Metal Cladding

Sheet metal pipe cladding is used not only to protect the insulation cover and heat carrier itself but also for heat and energy loss optimization. The cladding protects the pipes from mechanical impact and prevents the occurrence of condensation on the surface of the insulation. Furthermore, metal pipe cladding is resistant to chemicals. All these features ensure that your system performs consistently throughout the service cycle.


Spray Foam Insulation

Spray foam insulation typically contains polyurethane and a foaming agent. After being sprayed onto the wall, roofing, or flooring, it expands to roughly 7 times its original volume and hardens into a solid, with the added ability to expand and contract in relation to the building. As a result, all air gaps are sealed, increasing energy efficiency. Spray foam insulation fills all spaces, preventing air from escaping; therefore, it has a high R-value and is significantly energy efficient.


Acoustic Insulation

Acoustic Insulation prevents the transmission of noise by the introduction of a mass barrier. Acoustic pipe and duct lagging are high-performance composite insulation developed to reduce noise from pipes, valves, fan housings, and ductwork in commercial and industrial buildings. 

Passive Fire Protection

Fire safety is always an important consideration when building or renovating. Passive Fire Protection is built into the structure to provide stability and into walls and floors to separate the building into manageable risk – compartments. These areas have been designed to restrict the growth and spread of fire allowing occupants to escape and offering protection for firefighters.

Fire resistance may be enhanced by using added materials or components known by the collective term passive fire protection (PFP).

 A fire-resistance rating typically determines how long a passive fire protection system withstands a standard fire resistance test.

Benefits of Commercial / Industrial Insulation

Commercial and Industrial Insulation provides significant and long-term energy efficiency, emissions reductions, cost savings, and safety benefits. As a result, insulation plays a big part in helping companies, cities, and countries achieve their greenhouse gas (GHG) emission goals.

Commercial insulation includes education, health care, institutional, retail and wholesale, office, food processing, light manufacturing, and similar applications.

Industrial insulation includes power, petrochemical, chemical, pulp and paper, refining, gas processing, brewery, heavy manufacturing, and similar applications.

Insulation provides the following benefits:

  • Reduced energy costs
  • Reduction in heat loss/gain
  • Personnel safety and protection through surface temperature control
  • Enhances process performance
  • Restricts condensation on cold surfaces
  • Reduces noise levels
  • Fire protection

Our services

Acoustic Insulation
Hydraulic hot and cold water
Mechanical HVAC Heating and cooling
Metal Cladding

Otago University Business School Mechanical Insulation, Pipe & Duct, Thermal Insulation Dunedin
Mechanical Insulation and Ducting, Dunedin
Mechanical & Hydraulic Insulation Ducting Dunedin
Salmac Commercial and Industrial Insulation Dunedin

Our Projects

Salmac has undertaken numerous successful commercial/industrial and residential projects, from multimillion-dollar large scale to small scale projects. No matter the size of the project, our focus is always health and safety, quality and attention to detail.

Otago University: Eccles Building

Mechanical Insulation | Pipe & Duct | 2019-2021
Asbestos Removal and Decontamination | Class A & B | 2017

Otago University: Mellor Laboratories Science Blocks 1 & 2

Mechanical Insulation | 2016 – 2020
Salmac completed the mechanical insulation during the redevelopment of the University’s Science 1 building.

Otago University: Faculty of Dentistry-Walsh Building and Clinical Services Building

Hydraulic & Acoustic Insulation | Completed 2019

Salmac insulation completed the Hydraulic and Acoustic Insulation for New Zealand’s only national centre of dentistry.

Otago University: Otago Business School

Mechanical Insulation | Pipe & Duct | Thermal Insulation (batts) | Completed 2018
Salmac completed the mechanical and thermal insulation for the transformed building.

Mercy Hospital

Mechanical Insulation | Pipe & Duct | 2020-2021

Dunedin Airport

Mechanical Insulation | Duct | Cladding | 2019-2020

SDHB: Dunedin Hospital ICU

Mechanical Insulation | Duct | 2018-2019

Dunedin Botanical Garden:

Nursery and Propagation Facilities

Mechanical & Hydraulic Insulation | Cladding | 2014-2015

DCC: Dunedin Townhall

Mechanical Insulation | Duct | 2013-2015

DCC: Toitu Otago Settlers Museum

Mechanical Insulation | Duct | 2012-2014

Contact us

If you have any questions about what we do, please contact us today.

333 Kaikorai Valley Rd

Bradford, Dunedin 9011

+64 3 453 5111


Weekdays :  8.00am - 4.30pm